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Faith Talks: What To Do When Pain Chooses You

Pain is inevitable which we all experience at some point in our lives rather its the loss of a loved one, losing our job, or even a health crisis, pain can even be mentally and physically and are oftentimes sudden and unexpected and in case one suddenly minor accident changed my life drastically in ways no one begin to fathom, but let's not act too hastily. I was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia which is an inherited blood disorder where red blood cells become sickle crescent-shaped causing frequent infections, swelling in the hands and legs, severe pain ad tiredness, and delayed growth or puberty.

Ergo, I firmly believe that I am a miracle because doctors stated, "I wouldn't live past age 20," but with God's grace upon my life, I am now 30 and counting going on stronger than ever, and if that ain't a miracle I don't know what is. Piggybacking on the accident... at first the tiny cut on my ankle seemed harmless, but weeks later I found myself in the hospital all drugged and strung up on pain medications, and my right ankle bandage...what I reckoned will take weeks turned into years to heal.

Growing up I faced a lot of ridiculed and was labeled as the "Sick Girl, " and "Abnormal," and that was when it dawned on me that the enemy had his sneakily gaze on me, before the accident I was very active in church and school I was in the choir; on the dance and sign language team, as well as, I dabbled in sports and cheerleading and those, were the best three years of my high school experience, despite my frequent trips to the hospital, I managed to graduate.

Unfortunately, my health spiral turns out my blood decided to misbehave causing not one, but all sides of my ankle to break out into what doctors called Chronic Leg Ulcers. I was later on sentenced to bed rest for a month and more in the hospital which was like my second home because when it wasn't my ankle, it was some blood transfusion; my oxygen levels or my blood count was lowered. What cam I say, I am a doctor's pet with the ultimate doctor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I was a blessed one, indeed. In the year 2019, the Holy Sprit prompted me to WRITE and STORY...for if my story only touches one person all the pain would be worth it that was one of my favorite lines from the movie, I Still Believe.

Nothing catches our Heavenly Father off guard, only us and in all honesty, it's not easy enduring daily pain and discomfort, but I say all this to say that pain chose me for a reason and it had me at hello, but God ALWAYS had me FIRST. It brings tears to my eyes how much God's LOVE RUN DEEP for all of us we just need to open our eyes and see through His lens and I am learning that there is Purpose Behind My Pain, as well as, suffering and pain don't destroy one's FAITH, it only REFINES it.

When we face adversities it is not God punishing us but building us to bring glory to His Name, so above all else if someone suffering in silence or openly through pain of any kind be strong in faith and stay encouraged in the Lord.

Final words; you are NOT alone and ALWAYS remember No Season Is Wasted, God will RESTORE all those years lost abundantly, so don't lose HOPE...DELAY is really PREPARATION, a CHAPTER in God's book Not the WHOLE STORY.


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