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Speak life! Your words have power!

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21 NIV


How do you start your day? Pause for a moment and really think about it. What are you saying about yourself? What are you saying about your life and your situation? Are they faith-filled words? Are you agreeing with God or your situation?


When it comes to everyday living, you can walk according to the promises of God’s word or by your feelings, which constantly change. Living by the word of God gives stability. Living by your feelings can be like a roller coaster; one day you’re up and the next day you’re down. Pay attention to your most dominant thoughts.


On a daily basis, we tend to encounter a lot of negative thoughts running endlessly through our minds. Daily affirmations can help to rewire our brain, build our self-esteem, and change those negative thought patterns. The words we think and speak into existence are essential for our daily lives. Our words and thoughts set the tone for our day; it is vital that we choose our words intentionally.

Every day, you have another opportunity to create your future with the words you speak to yourself. One important part of self-care and self-love is to speak kind words to yourself. I have learned that the more I speak life, hope, love, and kindness to myself, it flows over into my relationships with others, especially my husband and my daughter.


Every single thought and word you speak is an affirmation. It can either build or break you. Positive affirmations create a positive experience, and negative affirmations create a negative experience. Speak of only the good you want in your life, and the good will come.

Proverbs 18:21 says that “death and life are in the power of your tongue.” We have to be very careful of the choices of words we speak over ourselves and over our family. Especially what we say to our children. Remember, your words shape your life; you are the creator of your destiny. I am big on affirmations because I have seen them work in my life, especially with my emotions.

The way to change your life is to transform your mind. Change your mindset and change your reality. It takes time, and it takes practice. We can start each day by saying, I’m a winner, I can do this, or I know I can do this. If you repeat these phrases to yourself, they will become your reality. After all, practice makes perfect. You can do anything you set your mind to. That is the truth; I believe you can, and I know you believe it too!


Here are some positive affirmations you can use to change your everyday self-talk. Practice saying one each morning, and throughout the day, say it until you believe and begin to manifest it. Sometimes we just have to open up our mouths and speak. We have to make a declaration about ourselves. Don’t wait for others to prophesy over you. Prophesy over yourself. Look in the mirror in the morning when you get up, open your mouth, and begin to speak God’s word over your life.

I am more than a conqueror.

I am blessed and favoured.

I am victorious.

I am capable.

I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.

I am relentless.

I am resilient.

I am strong.

I am confident.

I am unstoppable.

I am chosen.


You may be going through a hard time right now, but you are not what you are going through. Don’t let it define you. Choose to speak life into your situation until what you are saying manifests. Our words are powerful, and they frame our reality. Agree with God and say what you want to see come to pass in your life, despite the negatives and setbacks. Audibly confessing God’s Word is a life-changing practice for me. It gives me a sense of hope and peace. It helps me to visualize what I want to see come to pass in my life.

Make it a habit to examine the thoughts racing through your mind and the words coming out of your mouth. Be intentional about what you hear, think, and say because you are setting the stage for your reality. Begin today and every day; speak positive, faith-filled words over your life. Speak things that line up with God’s Word and what it says about you, not what your feelings, circumstances, or other people might tell you.


My encouragement to you is: for the rest of the year, I want you to be intentional about the words that are coming out of your mouth. Keep an inventory of your thoughts, and whenever those negative thoughts come, replace them with a positive one. Don’t speak about the problem. Speak the solution!


Be encouraged.

God bless you.

Sherine Leslie-Gooden

Your encourager.




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