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"Sometimes, ostracism is a blessing, it can lead us to make brave decisions and to radically pursue our God given purpose..." Mandie Salmon-Wright encourages, talks life as Pastor, Army Wife & more

Many people know of Mandie Salmon-Wright; a beautiful woman and soul a with a unique way of expressing herself as the multi-passionate woman, wife and Pastor she is. But, how much DO we know about her heart, her background and her mission. Well, let's remove the veil, shall we?

PAJE: It's easy to say that you're a bold, passionate, fashionable and talented woman of God as most of us have been able to observe you over the through your various ventures and points of sharing. However, we'd love to know - how do YOU describe yourself?

Mandie: I am a deeply reflective and thoughtful person. I love the Lord and believe that I am called to something much greater than myself. I love my family, cultures, communities and people in general.

I am always striving to learn more about God and the meaning of life.  The more I delve into the meaning of life is the more I am convinced that I am here to serve. I want to serve my family and communities well. My heart breaks for the marginalized and oppressed, for the unseen and the unheard. I am always thinking of ways to bring hope and share the love of Christ with all but to especially those who feel unloved.

I have a love for life and would consider myself a bubbly and enthusiastic person. I am also very creative and sometimes express my passion through the arts and fashion. 

PAJE: What are 5 things about you that the public wouldn't readily know?


  1. I am very sensitive  

  2. I am a cryer; I cry for just about anything 

  3. I am affectionate and give lots of kisses and hugs to the people that are very close to me. 

  4. I can be very silly and like to joke around. 

  5. I do skits and pretend I’m on broadway in between cooking meals and caring for my fam. 

PAJE: Three things we've observed about you over the years are your love for Jesus Christ, Your love for His people, and your passion for helping persons to recognize and stand boldly in their uniqueness. These three things have come together to create a very unique journey for you, and we'd love to know - was this the path you, this promising young woman from Saint Elizabeth, envisioned for yourself and what has the journey been like in embracing this path?

Mandie: This was not the path I had envisioned for myself. The journey I am on now has far superseded my expectations!

In a world filled with the pursuit of selfish ambition and individualism, God separated me from early to use my talents and gifts to spread hope and glorify His name.

However, it was not always easy as I too had many selfish desires.

Growing up I had achieved a lot of accolades and was beginning to make a name for myself.

I was Miss Jamaica High School Queen, Miss Caribbean Talented Teen top 5, Miss Universe Jamaica Central 2nd runner up, JCDC gold medalist, I was apart of Jamaica Youth Theatre, I represented my country for the Caribbean’s Secondary School’s Drama Festival and won the title Best Actress, I was nominated and shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Youth Award in arts and culture and on top of that I was doing well academically, I graduated from Munro College among the top 10 for excellent performance in CAPE.

At 19 years old I was already being introduced to household names in the arts industry and my future was already mapped out by mentors who could help me realize my dreams in the arts. But the calling of the Lord was so potent in my heart. I knew deep down inside that all of the accolades I had achieved would amount to nothing had I chosen to live my life without Jesus or disobey His calling on my life. Before starting college, I took a gap year to do some introspection. It was the most intense year of my life as the voice of God was loud in my ears. I would sit down to write sermons while wrestling at home with physical abuse from my father. I prayed night and day. Prayer became my daily bread.

It was during those moments that I realized that you can have all the accolades in the world and still be broken and depressed. I made a concerted effort then to live a deeply Christ centered life, marked  by obedience and service. I served in my local church for many years and continued to do so up until the day before I migrated to the U.S. I have a strong love for children and worked at 5 different prep schools in my parish using my gifts in the arts to spread hope and inspire confidence.

When I migrated to the U.S to be with my husband Rohan, we had already discussed going to Bible college together. I spent two years at Boston Baptist Bible College pursuing an associate degree in biblical studies and the moved on to Gordon College to study communications. During my tenure at Gordon College, I realized that I had a following on social media and decided to use my communications skills to start an online ministry; As I Am Ministry. The ministry blossomed during the pandemic when people could not meet physically for church. The Lord really used me to evangelize and pour into young people from all over the globe. After I graduated Gordon College in 2021, I felt strongly in my heart that I would’ve been in full time ministry but this was a big responsibility and I was afraid.

I went into intense praying and seeking the Lord for direction in my life. I would still continue to apply for marketing and communications jobs but one day I heard the voice of the Lord strongly telling me that I should stop, that He was making a way. I spoke to my husband about this and he supported me in my decision and so i went for months without applying or looking for a job. However, prior to this I had applied for a youth pastor job at a church that really loved me but was looking for someone more aligned with their culture.

They transferred my resume to the church where I currently serve and I said yes to becoming the pastor of family and discipleship ministries (overseeing children and  youth ministries). I have been there for 2 years now. I am a pursuing a masters degree now in clinical social work and this has been challenging me also to step outside of myself and to be empathetic and loving towards others. To discern oppressive systems and to be an advocate for truth and justice. It has all come together so well. Though full time ministry is extremely challenging and I am still very young to be in the position that I am in, it has been very rewarding and I feel most alive when I’m actively serving others and using my gifts to glorify the One who gave them to me. 

PAJE: What are three of the major characteristics about God and your relationship with Him that have kept you committed to walking with Him through the seasons?


  1. God is truly faithful, I cry many times when I see His hand on my life. He works out the details of my life in a way that startles me. I will worry a lot bout the future and my destiny and He always shows me that I am loved, secure and taken care of. He keeps His promises and even adds more! 

  2. God is LOVING; I have not had the easiest childhood. I have many scars from living with an abusive father and from people in general who try to take advantage of me. I struggle with depression and have spent many days crippled with pain and thoughts of giving up but through it all, gentle hands have always kept me together. Reminding me of how loved I am. He is patient with me and I feel the most free in his presence. 

  3. God is powerful! I will cry when I see His power and  I’ve experienced it time and again in my life where the impossible becomes POSSIBLE! When I see the sick receive healing or those bound by alcoholism, drugs, depression receive their FREEDOM in Him. The Bible stories blow my mind and I believe them to be true through and through. I want to see His Kingdom come and when I witness that, I’m mind-blown.  

PAJE: Wife, Mom, Pastor, Evangelist, and the list goes on! How have you managed to balance it all while staying grounded in your relationship with Jesus Christ?

Mandie: I am very blessed to have a mature, strong and godly husband in my life. Whenever I am hyper focused on a task or wanting to “save the world,” he gently reminds me of my priorities. He goes out to serve in the world as Staff sergeant but when He is home he is VERY present. He  has helped me to be focused and to set proper boundaries in my life. I want to live a life marked by service to God and purpose but I have learned the hard way that I have limits. Ultimately, I am not the Savior, God is. I don’t want to be successful in public ministry and fail at home.

I acknowledge when I am starting to feel some burn out and take time out to rest, as needed. I also constantly remind myself that my “good works” cannot save me, they do not make me morally superior to anyone. Therefore, I do not tie my identity to anything I have done but to the One who created me for Himself. With this mindset, it is easy to step back, knowing I have nothing to prove and that God is in control. I don’t overbook myself either, I will prayerfully discern what speaking engagements I should say yes to and what projects need to be surrendered to God in a particular season until He is ready to entrust me with it again. 

My extended family has been a tower of strength to me. My mother especially provides a safe space for me to vent and talk about the challenges I face in motherhood, ministry and life in general. She always has wise advice to give me and remind me of what is truly important. Leaning on the people that are close to me in my life, helps me to keep the main thing, the main thing; my relationship with Jesus. I would also say I am a very disciplined person. I’m an avid reader, I journal, read the Bible and books that can help me, pray often, and I am almost always listening to worship music and dancing before the Lord. These habits help me to be drenched in God’s Spirit. I know that there’s no public ministry or service without my private ministry before the Lord. Having integrity is extremely important to me. 

PAJE: Speaking of being a wife, we recognize that you're an army wife, and that you take true pride in that, and it's beautiful to witness really. We know the journey of an army wife is textured, to say the least - what are three things you'd say to encourage fellow army wives?

Mandie: Being an army wife is so tough especially when my husband has to leave for months or weeks at a time. Thankfully, my husband is now in the active guard, meaning that we don’t have to move around as often and I don’t have to worry about him getting deployed too often.

I used to worry about his safety a lot but have now come to accept  that this is his true passion. He has supported me on my journey and I have to support him on his and remind myself that God is in control.

It can feel isolating when he leaves for training but this is why having community is extremely important and allowing yourself to be vulnerable when you need help. Last year my husband left for a month and my daughter and I took sick at the same time. My neighbor  checked on us and made sure we were okay. 

Our friends made sure I was taken care of, bringing food to my daughter and I.

People from my Bible study group at church asked me what I needed and jumped in to help. I am learning to be strong through it all, life is challenging and we all have our different struggles but it is through these challenges that we evolve and learn valuable lessons that help with character development. This is far from easy to say in the moment, but having God on your journey really helps with intrusive thoughts that bring depression and pain. 

PAJE: What are three things about the heart of God for His people that you wish more people knew and understood for themselves?


  1. That God has a destiny for you that will far supersede any plans you can make for yourselves.

  2. That  though He brings transformation and sanctification, He still loves us right where we are at and will be patient with us on our Christian journey. 

  3. Salvation isn’t earned and our righteousness is in and through Christ; not of ourselves, lest anyone should boast.  

PAJE: What would you say to the person who recognizes that they're a little bit different from the rest of the fold both in the Kingdom AND in the wider world, but feel obligated to embody other characteristics so they can fit in with the crowd, especially because "Christians aren't like that"?

Mandie: Fitting in is a myth. None of us were ever truly meant to fit in because God has created each of us uniquely. The need to fit in robs us of the freedom to discover who God has called us to be and to glorify Him in our uniqueness. It keeps us stuck in cycles and patterns for fear of being ostracized.

Sometimes, ostracism is a blessing, it  can lead us to make brave decisions and to radically pursue our God given purpose. It releases us from the fear of disappointing others. We then become cumbered only with pleasing God and living an authentic life before Him.

Stand unapologetically in your God given identity and people will catch up later. Sometimes the ones ostracized are the pioneers, they get the vision before anyone could ever dream of it or understand. Once they venture out in boldness, God will open the hearts of others to catch up with the vision.

Pray for those who reject you and speak maliciously against you. Don’t let unforgiveness harbor in your heart. Take time away from the people you need a break from, the ones who place you in a box and constantly discourage you. Ask God to heal the wounds, then dust the dirt from your feet and keep going. You are different for a reason and set apart for God’s purposes in you. 

Expecting to birth in February 2024, giving her toddler daughter a baby brother, Mandie let us know what she's working on:

Mandie: Currently, I am writing morning devotionals that I share with As I Am Ministry. I foresee that I will continue to do that and will publish a devotional soon if it is the will of God. 

Thank you so much for sharing so openly with us, Mandie! We know this piece is definitely going to encourage the PAJE Fam!


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